“Unique Individuals School of Screen & Stage Arts” at Greswold Primary School.
Our aim is to encourage, educate and empower our students to express their knowledge and talents through the arts sector. This does not always mean being centre stage or in front of the camera, each student is given the opportunity to decide whether they would like to build skills on or off stage each term.
Enabling each student to be an individual and discover their abilities and potential is most important to us. Creative Arts is not only enjoyable, it enhances skills required during our everyday lives.
Such as:
Our projects include animation, short film and live theatre adaptations of Shakespeare plays, making his work relevant to the current generation. The unique individual approach is beneficial in enhancing the current curricular learning in school of this topic.
At the end of each term parents are given the opportunity to attend a live performance or screening of what the children have been working on.
Fees are payable half termly with the first payment being made on or before the first session.
For more information contact us or to book a place .
Please Note: Places are offered in order of registration, so if you would like your child to attend - don't delay register today!