We are required to keep the personal data of some of clients and students on file in order to fulfil our role as teachers and agents. This enables enables us to create a challenging and enjoyable curriculum, to organise auditions and employment, allow for the negotiation of contracts, to apply for child performance licences and to administer continual payments when necessary.
This document is a brief explanation of what data we store, how it is stored and what happened to your data after your relationship with Minwood Lane has ended.
Minwood Lane keep the following data on file;
* Name of Child and Parent/Guardian
* Home Address
* Date of Birth
* Contact Numbers
* Email Address
* Bank Details
* Passport sized photographs/ updates headshots.
* Copies of documents required for performance licensing (including name of school).
* Signed Medical declarations.
* Birth Certificates.
* Scanned copies of passports (child and parent/guardian - if required for travelling abroad).
* Any additional data our Minwood Agency clients add to Tagmin.
Minwood Lane only share data with verified individuals who require it;
* Casting Directors
* Production co-ordinators who are arranging call sheets, transport and accommodation.
* Legal departments drafting contracts and agreements.
* Education authorities processing performance licences.
Minwood Lane keep your data secure by ensuring Hard copies of your data are kept locked away in a filing system and Electronic copies are stored on a remote encrypted server.
When you no longer require the service of Minwood Lane, within seven working days of termination we will:
* Destroy (shred) all paper documents with the exception of copies of contracts, which we will need for potential future payments, and your signed agency agreement.
* Delete electronic copies of all documents with the exception of scanned contracts, granted performance licences, and the contact details and bank details which you have added to Tagmin. These are required on an ongoing basis, to enable the collection of future payments for you.
* Copies of Spotlight photos, press cuttings and similar, for the Minwood Lane Arts Management archive, unless requested otherwise.
Minwood Agency Applicants:
Prospective Minwood Agency clients will send us their applications for consideration, in order to make an informed decision we keep this data on file whilst we decide whether or not we can offer representation.
This data tends to comprise of clients name, parent/guardians name, photographs, home address and email addresses, dates of birth and media clips.
This data will be held until the applicant has been contacted for an audition and/or received an decision from us explaining that we have not offered them representation. If we have offered representation, but you have not accepted the offer your data will be deleted and we will also shred any physical documents we may have received.
We regret that we cannot hold any data on applicants who do not subsequently sign to our books, as we have no legitimate need for it.
Minwood Drama Applicants:
Prospective Minwood Drama applicants will send us their applications, in order to offer them a place at one of our locations we will keep this data on file whilst we offer them a place or they are placed the waiting list should they wish to be.
This data tends to comprise of child’s name, parent/guardians name. Home address, email address, School address (if applicable for after school clubs), emergency contact number, date of birth.
This data will be held until the applicant has been contacted and a decision has been made as to whether they will be accepting their place or not. If you have been offered a place and choose not to take it or do not wish to placed on the waiting list, your data will be deleted. We have no legitimate need to hold on to your data and so will therefore be destroyed.
Sharing Data – Production Companies:
Minwood Lane are compliant with GDPR and therefore we will not share any personal data with third parties until it is confirmed that they are also GDPR compliant.
PLEASE NOTE: We will only ever share information which is essential for engaging a client on a specific production, or in conjunjunction with a child protection policy concern and we expect this data to be securely deleted as soon as it is no longer required.
Although most companies we deal with on a regular basis will have a corporate GDPR policy, we will need to verify compliance before we can share any data with new contacts, or with production contacts who are not using corporate e-mail addresses.
Data Controller:
The Data Controller is Kamilla Woodburn, who can be contacted at info@minwoodlane.com. If you feel that your data is being mishandled you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner Office.
Our full privacy policy can be found at the bottom of this page.